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Shelter Food Program
Ruth's House is looking for small groups that would like to provide cooked meals to clients in our shelter four times a year. They will feed 15-20 people including children.
Why Get Involve?
This is an opportunity to be a part of the domestic violence solution and service providers that are working with vulnerable clients who are fleeing domestic violence. Helping people to get back on their feet with the help of the community is vital to breaking the cycle of abuse.
What does it involve?
The group can cook or order from any ethnic restaurant or caterer (rice, chicken, fish, beef, swallow, etc...) i.e. Nigerian, Kenyan, Ghanian, Ethiopian, Cameroon, Jamaican etc..
The group will be expected to bring the PRE-COOKED meal to the house and interact and socialize with the clients.
What You'll Need
Max 3 volunteers
Cooked or ordered food pre-packed and ready to deliver to shelter
When does it start?
The program starts in July 2023 for 1 year commitment.
Next Step
Gather a small group
Sign Up for the Program here or by calling 587.352.9422